how to create logo adress bar

Favicon is small icon on url address bar,usually size 16x16 pixel and icon/image appear on bookmark/favorite list if you bookmarked site who have the Favicon.

Create image file for favicon and put on tag HTML in to header between:

and </head>


Tutorial how to create Favicon/Loggo on URL Address Browser:

1. Create image size 16x16 pixel.

2. Save image with format file name .ico.

3. Upload file to server with file name "favicon.ico".

Only for blogger/blogspot,this steps hasbeen done and success:

1.Click:>Download image and conversion to .ico file (favicon.ico).When saving to your computer type: favicon.ico then click Save so saved on your computer file image name favicon.ico.

2.Click:>Upload file "favicon.ico" that ready-made to site third party service favicon (Blogger is can not)

Code below is that input to my template and success (see image above) but it depends also with the browser used and settings of each PC/computer.


<link href='' rel='icon' type='image/'/>

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>
-->(code from



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